How to Install EVA Glass Laminating Furnace Safely

How to Install EVA Glass Laminating Furnace Safely
Pre-cautions of Safety:
Some safety part of Glass laminated furnace(Referred to as equipment the following) is designed and made in accordance with the standard of EN746-1、EN60201-1 and IEC60519-1.
However, to use this equipment safely is to meet the requirement of Professional or trained Technician for the premise. For your safety, please do as professional technician or the people who was trained to install. operate and maintain the equipment.
In order to prevent body injury and harm to machinery , different kinds of safety mark and warning have been used in this brochure to help operators set up a machine correctly. Regarding some safety diction in this brochure as following :dangerous, warning, attention, please understand the meaning of these diction when you reading.
Diction and Definition
Dangerous: It means, under the condition that non-observation, it will lead to death or serious injury.
Warning: It means, under the condition that non-observation ,there is possibility of death or serious injury.
Attention: It means under the condition that non-observance, there is possibility of death or serious injury.

To prevent the direct electric shock and indirect electric shock,please pay attentions to followng notes:
During installation or maintenance operations, you must first disconnect the power supply, ensure voltage can only be carried out, otherwise electric shock may lead to direct.
Equipment must be grounded connection, otherwise a short circuit in the equipment may be indirectly caused by the risk of electric shock.
Equipment installation and maintenance operations, the installation shall be lead by the trained company staff or professional technical personnel, or authorized by the local agency services personnel in the installation and maintenance operations
Don’t use wet hands to operate equipment, switching equipment or near live parts, otherwise there may be risk of electric shock.
Do not damage cables or strong pull cables, hoisting cable does not use weights or extruded cable, otherwise there may be risk of electric shock
If not to cut off the external power supply boxes, please do not open the electric door.
Power supply equipment nameplate voltage equipment must comply with the provisions of the value, whether voltage too high or too low will result in equipment not working properly, having a malfunction of electrical components, such as burning, and even a risk of electrical shock!
All electrical installation, operation, maintenance, must be executed by the electrical professionals trained staff!
Electric professional is who has appropriate education and practical experience that can detect electrical installations and to avoid the risk of potential harm.
Well-trained staff of electrical means the electrical professionals or under the supervision of strict guidance to detect and avoid the risk of the operation and maintenance.

Published by [email protected]

[email protected] EVA film glass interlayer